Taber® provides many accessory items to improve all facets of abrasion testing.
In these times of ever increasing emphasis on QA and QC, productivity and cost effectiveness have also been at the forefront.
The Taber® accessories are not only oriented toward improving test results, but efficiency as well!
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Accuracy and precision require that the abrading wheels be ‘trued’ prior to testing. The Diamond Wheel Refacer is used to precisely dress the Calibrade® wheels used on the abraders.
Calibrade®, or vitrified wheels, are subject to “clogging” and “crowning” during routine use. The wheels must be refaced in pairs to ensure identical diameters.
The refacing diamond is mounted in an adjustable diamond tool holder supported by a shielded traversing slide.
The slide is moved by a feed screw and ball crank handle. The vacuum is connected to the Refacer to collect the residual abrasive particles and dust.
Taber® Model 250 Wheel Refacer: Specifications and Detailed Description
Model 250 Optional Accessories include:
- Single Point Diamond Tool [P/N 131543];
- Multiple Point Diamond Tool [P/N 131661] used to reface H-38 Calibrade© Wheels.
Model 200 Optional Accessories include:
- Single Point Diamond Tool [P/N 128990] for Refacer Model 9800-10;
- Single Point Diamond Tool [P/N 120947] for Refacer Model 9800-10;
- Multiple Point Diamond Tool [P/N 125608] for Refacer Model 9800-10, used to reface H-38 Calibrade© Wheels.
Refacing Media for Taber® Rotary Platform Abraders:
- Refacing Stone ST—11 [P/N 125777] a vitrified composition disc consisting of a coarse side (80 grit) and a fine side (180 grit).
- Refacing Media S—11 [P/N 121102] 150 grit abrasive paper.
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