This is a partial list of applicable national and international test methodologies and specifications to which Taber® Abrasers conform and are specific to abrasion, wear, scratch, rub and crock testing in general.
Each listed ASTM Method has a specific link to the ASTM website, which provides a brief summary, or overview of the method and information for acquiring a copy.
If you do not see a specific method listed please use the CCSi Standards Search Reference page. There you will find links to many of the Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), each of which have a means by which to search their respective websites.
If you have difficulty locating a document, please send an eMail to CCSi and you will be assisted in every way possible!
Also, it is important to note that many U.S. military specifications (MIL), although in print and not withdrawn, are not actively supported by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). It is suggested that the users of MIL specifications research the availability of replacement or parallel methods available from other organizations.
Taber® Abraser Models 5130/5150 and their variants, by employing the available abrasive media and accessories, meet, or exceed, the requirements for abrasion tests such as those described in:
- ASTM C217 Test Method of Weather Resistance of Slate;
- ASTM C241 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Stone;
- ASTM C501 Relative Resistance to Wear of Unglazed Ceramic Tile by Taber Abraser;
- ASTM C1353 Abrasion Resistance of Dimension Stone Subjected to Foot Traffic;
- ASTM D1044 Test for Resistance of Transparent Plastics to Surface Abrasion;
- ASTM D3389 Coated Fabrics — Abrasion Resistance (Rotary Platform);
- ASTM D3884 Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform);
- ASTM D4060 Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser;
- ASTM D4158 Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Uniform Abrasion Method);
- ASTM F362 Determining the Erasability of Inked Ribbons;
- ASTM F510 Resistance to Abrasion of Resilient Floor Coverings Using an Abrader with a Grit Feed Method;
- ASTM F1478 Abrasion Resistance of Images Produced from Copiers and Printers.
- BS 3900 Paints and Varnishes; Determination of Resistance to Abrasion; Abrasive Paper Method;
- BS EN 660 P2 Resilient Floor Coverings — Determination of Wear Resistance; Part 2 Frick-Taber Test;
- BS EN ISO 5470-1 Rubber- or Plastics-Coated Fabrics — Determination of Abrasion Resistance; Part 1: Taber Abrader.
- Chrysler MS-PP11-1 Vacuum Metallizing for Plastic Parts — First Surface Interior;
- Chrysler MS-PP11-2 Vacuum Metallizing — High Wear Resistance for Plastic Parts — First Surface Interior.
- CNS K6591 Method of Test for Polyurethane Athletic Installation Material;
- Delphi DX900117 Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings (Taber Abraser Method);
- DLA 1.413194444 Determination of Resistance to Surface Wear (Germany).
- DIN 52 347 Testing of Glass and Plastics; Abrasion Test; Method Using Abrasion Wheels and Measurements of Scattered Light;
- DIN 53 109 Testing of Paper and Board; Determination of Abrasion by the Abrasion Wheel Method;
- DIN 53 754 Testing of Plastics; Determination of Resistance of Wear by Abrasive Wheels;
- DIN 53 799 Decorative Laminated Sheets on Basis of Aminoplastic Resins; Test Method;
- DIN 68 861 T2 Furniture Surfaces: Behavior at Abrasion;
- DIN EN 660 P2 Resilient Floor Coverings — Determination of Wear Resistance; Part 2 Frick-Taber Test;
- DIN EN ISO 5470-1 Rubber- or Plastics-Coated Fabrics — Determination of Abrasion Resistance; Part 1: Taber Abrader.
- EN 438-2 Decorative High Pressure Laminates (HPL); Sheets Based on Thermosetting Resins; Part 2: Determination of Properties;
- PR En 13329: 1998 Specifications, Requirements and Test Methods for Laminate Floor Coverings;
- PR En 175.333.08 Wood Flooring Test Method to Determine Elasticity and Resistance to Wear (European).
- Federal CCC-T-191B Federal Test Methods & Specifications; Textile Test Methods:
- Method 5306.1 — Abrasion Resistance of Cloth;
- Method 5309.2 — Abrasion Resistance of Textile Webbing.
- Federal L-P-406B Federal Test Method & Specifications; Plastics, Organic General Specifications Test Methods:
- Method 1091 — Abrasion Wear (loss in weight).
- Federal GG-P-455B Federal Specification: Plates and Foils, Photographic;
- Federal TT-P-141B Federal Test Methods & Specifications; Methods of Inspection, Sampling and Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials:
- Method 6912 — Abrasion Resistance of Films of Organic Coating Materials.
- Federal TT-C-542E Coating, Polyurethane Oil Free Moisture Curing;
- Federal TT-E-487E Enamel, Floor and Deck;
- Federal TT-P-85E Paint, Traffic: Reflectorized for Airfield Runway Marking (drop-on type);
- Federal TT-P-87D Paint, Traffic: Premixed, Reflectorized;
- Federal TT-P-91D Paint, Rubber Base, Styrene-Butadiene Type, Interior, for Concrete Floors;
- Federal TT-P-95C Paint, Rubber: For Swimming Pools;
- Ford BN-108-02 Resistance to Abrasion — Taber Abraser;
- Ford BN-108-04 Resistance to Scuffing.
- General Motors GM BOCTM 54-30 Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings (Taber Abraser Method);
- General Motors GM FBTM;
- 54-30 Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings (Taber Abraser Method).
- General Motors GM9515P Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser;
- General Motors GM9911P Procedure to Determine Paint Adhesion;
- General Motors GM BLTP.TI:
- 298 Wear Taber Abraser Test.
- General Motors GMW 3208 Rotary Abrasion Test — Taber Type
- ISO 3537 Road Vehicles; Safety Glazing Materials; Mechanical Tests;
- ISO 4586-2: 1997 Abrasion Resistance of Decorative Laminated Sheets;
- ISO 5470-1 Rubber or Plastics Coated Fabric-Determination of Abrasion Resistance;
- ISO 7784-2: 1997 Paints and Varnishes; Determination of Resistance to Abrasion; Abrasive Paper Method;
- ISO 9352:95 Plastics; Determination of Resistance to Wear by Abrasive Wheels;
- ISO 10074-Annex B Taber Abrasion Test Method.
- JIS A 1453 Method of Abrasion Test for Building Materials and Part of Building Construction;
- JIS K 6902 Testing Method Foil Laminated Thermosetting Decorative Sheets;
- JIS K 7204 Testing Method for Abrasion Resistance of Plastics by Abrasive Wheels.
- MIL A-8625F Anodic Coatings for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys;
- MIL C-13495B Test for Carrying Case;
- MIL I-43553B Ink, Marking, Epoxy Base;
- MIL M-13231C Marking of Electronic Items;
- MIL P-18493 Packing, Preformed, Carbon and Carbon Stock Packing;
- MIL T-28800D Test Equipment for use with Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
- MNAS 1192 Performance Specification for Hard Anodic Coatings on Aluminum Alloys;
- NEMA LD3-3.13 Wear Resistance of High-Pressure Decorative Laminate;
- NF B 51-282 Melamine Faced Chipboard: Determination of Resistance against Abrasion;
- NF G 37-121 Rubber of Plastic Coated Fabric — Determination of Wear Resistance by Rubbing with Two Abrasive Wheels (France);
- NF T 30-015 Abrasion Resistance Tests of Paint and Lacquer (France);
- NF T 54-351 Decorative Laminated Plastic Panels; Determination of Resistance against Abrasion;
- NSF 30-1992 Cabinetry and Laboratory Furniture for Hospitals;
- NSF 49-1992 Class II (Laminar Flow) Biohazard Cabinetry;
- SAA AS/NZS 1580.403.2 Paints and Related Materials — Abrasion Resistance — Taber Abraser;
- SAA AS/NZS 4266.2 Reconstituted Wood Based Panels — Determination of Resistance to Surface Abrasion (Taber Abrasion Test).
- SAE J 365 Method of Testing Resistance to Scuffing of Trim Materials;
- SAE J 948 Test Method for Determining Resistance to Abrasion of Automotive Bodycloth, Vinyl, Leather, and the Snagging of Automotive Bodycloth;
- SAE J 1530 Test Method for Determining Resistance to Abrasion, Bearding, and Fiber Loss of Automotive Carpet Materials;
- SAE J 2394 Abrasion Resistance of Insulation Conductors and Cable Jackets.
- SIS 92 35 09 Abrasion Resistance of Flooring (Sweden);
- TAPPI T476 Abrasion Loss of Paper and Paperboard;
- UNE 57-095-78 Abrasion Resistance of Paper (Spanish).
Taber® Abraser Model 5700, by employing the available abrasive media and accessories, meet, or exceed, the requirements for abrasion tests such as those described in:
- ASTM D6279 Rub Abrasion Mar Resistance of High Gloss Coatings;
- ASTM F1319 Standard Test Method for Determination of Abrasion and Smudge Resistance of Images Produced from Business Copy Products (Crockmeter Method);
- ISO 105-X12 Textiles – Tests for Colour Fastness, Part X12: Colour Fastness to Rubbing.
Related Standards & Standards Development Organizations: AENOR, UNE 53-173-92, UNE 57095, UN EN 438-2, UN EN 13329:E, UN EN 13696, AFNOR, FD ENV 13696, NF B 51-282, NF G 37-121, NF Q 03-055, NF T 30-015, NF EN 438-2, NF EN 660-2, NF EN ISO 5470-1, ANSI, INCITS 322-2002, ANSI/NSF, 35, 49, 51, ANSI/SAE, Z26.1, AS, AS/NZS, AS 2001.2.28, AS/NZS 1580.403.2, AS/NZS 4266.2, ASTM, C501, C1353, D1044, D3389, D3451, D3730, D3884, D4060, D4685, D4712, D5144, D5146, D5324, D6037, F362, F510, F1478, F1978, BSI, BS 3900, BS DD ENV 13696, BS EN 438-2, BS EN 660-2, BS EN ISO 5470-1, CFFA Test 1, CFFA Test 200, CNS, K6591, DaimlerChrysler, DCX, Daimler-Chrysler, LP-463KB-21-01, MS-PP11-1, MS-PP11-2, DOD, Department of Defense, MIL-A-8625F, MIL-C-22992E, MIL-P 18493, MIL-PRF-61002A, MIL-STD-13231, MIL-T-28800E, DIN, DIN 52 347, DIN 53 109, DIN 53 754, DIN 53 799, DIN 68 861 T2, DIN EN 660-2/A1, DIN EN ISO 5470-1, CEN, EN 438-2, EN 660-2, EN 13329:E, ENV 13696, Test Method Std. No. 191A Method 5306.1, Test Method Std. No. GG-P-455b, TT-P-0091D, Ford, BN 108-02, BN 108-04, ESB-M99P14-A1, WSS-M15P34-B1, WSS-M15P34-B2, WSS-M15P4-E, General Motors, GM, GM2751M, GM9515P, GM9911P, HN0245, ISO 3537, ISO 4586, ISO 5470, ISO 7784, ISO 9352, ISO 10074, JIS, A 1453, H 8503, K 6902, K 7204, L 1096, NEMA LD3 – 3.13, SAE, J365, J948, J1530, J1847, J2394, SIS, SIS 92 35 09, SS EN 438-2, SN EN 660-2, SN EN ISO 5470-1, TAPPI, T 476, UNI, UNI EN 660-2, UNI EN ISO 5470, UNI 9115, UNI 10559, Unite Nations, ECE Regulation 43
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