CCSi designs and manufactures high quality specimen cutting dies completely inhouse at our facility in Akron, OH. Our complete vertical integration allows CCSi to provide exceptional quality dies at competitive prices.
Our process starts with high, quality American made tool steel. We then grind, machine, harden, wire EDM, sharpen, and dimensionally certify the dies. The wire EDM manufacturing process creates perfectly vertical interior walls. This allows the die to be sharpened repeatedly without altering the dimensional characteristics of the sample and provides excellent long term value.
All CCSi dies come with the serial and model number laser engraved for easy identification. Also included is a rugged, foam lined carrying case for protection while the die is not in use.
Our standard dies have no adapters and are intended for use in a “clicker” style press.
CCSi manufactures these high quality Specimen Cutting Dies for the evaluation of the surface discoloration of white, or light colored, vulcanized rubber that may occur on exposure to heat and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, as described in ASTM D1148 ‘Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration — Heat and Ultraviolet Light Discoloration of Light – Colored Surfaces’.
ASTM D1148 describes discoloration as the change in appearance of the color of a rubber specimen.
This is distinguished from staining as described in ASTM D925 ‘Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property — Staining of Surfaces (Contact, Migration, and Diffusion)’. A control compound is maintained for comparative analysis of the change in color, or discoloration.
The D1148 test specimen is required to have dimensions of 62 x 12 mm (2.4 x 0.5 inch), the thickness is not specified and generally is not an important consideration in this procedure. This specimen may be prepared from an article, or molded in accordance with ASTM D3182 ‘Standard Practice for Rubber—Materials, Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Preparing Standard Vulcanized Sheets’.
Options include:
- ISO-17025 Certification
- Arbor Press Adapter (post type, dimensions to be specified at purchase)
- Mallet Handle
- NAEF brackets and ejectors
- Custom brackets and adapters

specimen dies, cutting dies, Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration – Heat and Ultraviolet Light Discoloration of Light – Colored Surfaces, ASTM D1148, D1148, heat discoloration, sunlamp, ultraviolet, UV, ultraviolet light discoloration, light discoloration, rubber discoloration.