CCSi designs and manufactures high quality specimen cutting dies completely inhouse at our facility in Akron, OH. Our complete vertical integration allows CCSi to provide exceptional quality dies at competitive prices.
Our process starts with high, quality American made tool steel. We then grind, machine, harden, wire EDM, sharpen, and dimensionally certify the dies. The wire EDM manufacturing process creates perfectly vertical interior walls. This allows the die to be sharpened repeatedly without altering the dimensional characteristics of the sample and provides excellent long term value.
All CCSi dies come with the serial and model number laser engraved for easy identification. Also included is a rugged, foam lined carrying case for protection while the die is not in use.
Our standard dies have no adapters and are intended for use in a “clicker” style press.
CCSi manufactures these high quality Specimen Cutting Dies for the determination of the lowest (subnormal) temperature at which rubber vulcanizates and rubber coated fabrics will not exhibit fractures or cracks in the coating when subjected to specified impact conditions.
The description of which is found in ASTM D2137 ‘Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property — Brittleness Point of Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics’.
ASTM D2137 employs two Methods, A and B:
- Method A for rubber vulcanizates;
- Method B for rubber coated fabrics.
Each of which use die cut specimens described, somewhat confusingly, as Type A and Type B:
- Method A uses a Type B specimen and is employed in the determination of the lowest temperature at which rubber vulcanizates will not fracture or crack. The Type B is also commonly known as a Modified T—50 die.
6.35 mm2 x 25.4 ± 6.4 x 2.54 mm (0.25 in2 x 1.00 ± 0.25 x 0.10 inch)
- Method B uses a Type A specimen and is employed in the determination of the lowest temperature at which rubber coated fabrics will not fracture or exhibit coating cracks.
40 ± 6.0 x 6.0 ± 0.5 mm (1.58 ± 0.24 x 0.24 ± 0.02 inch)
The test methods assess materials by subjecting the specimens to a user—defined subnormal temperature and impacting them under specific conditions of specimen position, impactor geometry, speed, and energy.
Options include:
- ISO-17025 Certification
- Arbor Press Adapter (post type, dimensions to be specified at purchase)
- Mallet Handle
- NAEF brackets and ejectors
- Custom brackets and adapters

specimen dies, cutting dies, Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property-Brittleness Point of Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics, ASTM D2137, D2137, subnormal temperature, low temperature, bend test, flex test, flexibility, rubber coated fabrics, coated fabric, cold test, brittleness point.