This selection guide is designed as a general overview of the many Asker® Durometer styles, types, spring force ranges, and indentor configurations.

It may assist in choosing the proper durometer for a particular application, however, it is not to be considered a definitive technical document.

Questions regarding specific testing requirements requiring detailed technical information, are freely answered as a service to our customers.

Asker® Durometers
Dimensions expressed in millimeters (mm). Force expressed in grams (gf).
The “Model” column contains a link to the individual page for the listed Asker® Durometer.
ModelImageStandardIndentorSpring Force
Presser FootDimensions
Asker® Durometer Model JA
JIS K 625335º
Frustrum Cone
0.79 R tip
1.27 Ø
55 - 85544 x 18
Width 57
Depth 30
Height 76
Asker® Durometer Model JC
JIS K 6253100 - 4500
Asker® Durometer Type A
JIS K 6253
JIS K 7215
ASTM D2240
ISO 7619
ISO 868
56 - 821
Asker® Durometer Type D
JIS K6253
JIS K 7215
ASTM D2240
ISO 7619
ISO 868
0.10 R tip
1.27 Ø
0 - 4533
Asker® Durometer Type B
ASTM D224056 - 821
Asker® Types C and C2
SRIS 0101
5.08 Ø
55 - 855
C21ASKER C255 - 455
Asker® Digital Model DD-2
1 Indicates availability in the Digital Model DD—2
Asker® Type CS
ASKER CS10 Ø Cylinder100 - 450050 Ø CircularWidth 50
Depth 50
Height 76
Asker® Types F and FP
ASKER FP15 Ø Cylinder100 - 20050 x 37 OvalWidth 50
Depth 37
Height 81
FASKER F25.2 Ø Cylinder55 - 45580 Ø CircularWidth 80
Depth 80
Height 81

Asker® Indentor Designs

Asker® Indentor: 30º Cone
30° ConeTypes B and D
Hard Rubber and Plastics

Asker® Indentor: 35º Truncated Cone
Truncated (Frustrum) 35° ConeTypes A, C, JA and JC
Soft Rubber and Plastics

Asker® Indentor: Spherical
5.08 mm Ø SphereAsker Types C and C2
Softer Rubber & Sponge

Asker® Indentor: Cylindrical
10, 15 & 25.2 mm Ø CylinderAsker Types F, FP and CS
Urethanes & Foams
Asker® Extended Presser Foot Designs

Asker® Extended Presser Foot
10 mm ØTypes JAL and JCL
12 mm ØTypes AL, DL and BL
16 mm ØModels C1L and C2L
Asker® Maximum Reading Hand Design

Asker® Maximum Reading Hand Feature
The Maximum Indicating Hand allows for the retention of the maximum indicated reading. This is especially useful with materials that exhibit rapid hysteresis, dynamic stress relaxation, or when it is difficult to instantaneously observe the reading without introducing focal parallax.